Ulysses 31 (Oh hells yes!)
Mrs Apps! The answer came to me just now, as I was playing an online word game...
Now, in the time honoured tradition of guest writers in the Experience, may I present one of my students. She's very lovely and we are both sat here trying to get through a TOEFL text book and failing miserably I might add. Anjin, you are the first guest writer of the new online Experience, so take it away!
hello^0^My name is Anjin Choi!! happy to meet you. My Englishk is very bad. but I want to be a great!!!
How abou U?? a!! I'm from south Korea! do you know korea?? its small. but very hot country.
Its mean /// every foods are hot. and many peoples are hot. hahaha nice to meet U and bye. God bless U!!

Cheers Anjin! Over to you Mr D...
Now, in the time honoured tradition of guest writers in the Experience, may I present one of my students. She's very lovely and we are both sat here trying to get through a TOEFL text book and failing miserably I might add. Anjin, you are the first guest writer of the new online Experience, so take it away!
hello^0^My name is Anjin Choi!! happy to meet you. My Englishk is very bad. but I want to be a great!!!
How abou U?? a!! I'm from south Korea! do you know korea?? its small. but very hot country.
Its mean /// every foods are hot. and many peoples are hot. hahaha nice to meet U and bye. God bless U!!

Cheers Anjin! Over to you Mr D...
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