5 and 60
That said, for me the most attractive Bond girl is Claudine Auger, who played Domino in Thunderball. She is both demure and untamed, and looks equally stunning diving in the ocean or sat at a baccarat table. Her accent is wonderful, and she is the only Bond girl that wouldn't look out of place amongst the screen goddesses of the 1940s and 50s.

Now as to the question of how to appease SPECTRE on a budget, at the risk of having special branch kicking my door in, here's what I would do.
In classical SPECTRE fashion, I would destabilise a major government in Europe or America. This would be achieved by homemade letter bombs, made to look like regular governmental correspondence thanks to SPECTRE's infiltration agents and information gathering.
The keys to the success of this plan would be:
* to attach the letters to the roof of the mailboxes with a pre-chosen adhesive, which will weaken at a pre-determined time and fall safely, providing no link to our agents who deposited the letters weeks/months ago.
* that this would happen in the 1960s, when letter screening and general security measures were amateur.
How about you? Any ideas for a budget SPECTRE job?
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